

Today’s economy makes job hunting more competitive than ever. Every year, roughly 3.8 million college students graduate and begin applying for jobs. Will you stand


Lean Six Sigma solves problems by applying tools through a specific process—DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control). This process is not simply a way


Companies are well versed on the benefits of Lean Six Sigma — a common-sense approach to fixing problems. Thousands of organizations use it to define


In a recent Lean Six Sigma project conducted by the 7th Transportation Brigade, the team sought out to analyze the poor performance of the six


I would treat DMAIC like an arc. Take a minute to start with the end and let the listener know what you accomplished. Where you


At Celestica Inc., an electronics manufacturing services company headquartered in Toronto, Canada, top-down safety continues to stay at the forefront of focus for it’s 1,800


Struggling to streamline the LAR/FSR request process, the Pennsylvania Army National Guard embraced Lean Six Sigma to minimize the delay in cycle time. Led by


Evelyn: “Check it out… This thing can prevent big food pieces from getting into the puree!” Elisabeth: “Do you mean something like this strainer?” Sure


Lean Six Sigma is the name given to the combination of the top two process improvement methods, Lean and Six Sigma. Lean traditionally focuses on


The Lean Six Sigma toolset makes use of a variety of process maps. Each of these diagrams aids in understanding the flow and making it


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