As more and more college students graduate and quickly begin planning their entry into the increasingly competitive work force, it’s not only smart, but necessary for them to closely examine the industry they’d like to begin their career in. This includes the trends in hiring, how they compare to their likely competition for available positions, and where the industry itself is headed. Lean Six Sigma provides competitive advantages not just for business, but in life in general â giving you a sizable advantage in more ways than traditionally thought.
So you’ve completed college, obtained your degree, have an idea of where you’d like to begin your career, and sent out a few dozen applications for internships or available salaried positions. You spend a few weeks waiting. Weeks turn into months and you might spend those months wondering why you haven’t gotten any good call backs or second interviews. It’s rough out there.
More and more qualified (and sometimes over-qualified) candidates are vying for the same jobs you are. So how do you set yourself apart? How do you differentiate yourself, your skills and your passion to convey to potential employers that you’re the right person for the job? While there are hundreds of different ways to do this, not all of them are effective at making yourself stand out in a good way.
Lean Six Sigma Provides A Competitive Advantage
Obtaining a high school or college diploma are common indicators that you’re a capable, intelligent person. However, the concepts you learned in school are just that, concepts. They’re not real world experiences that you can use on your resume to justify to those doing the hiring that you’ve got what it takes to apply those skills practically and effectively. Employers are seeking resumes that precisely demonstrate experience and success in areas that are important to them and their companies as a whole.
With a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt or Black Belt Certification listed prominently on your resume, you could set yourself apart from the thousands of candidates competing for the role you’ve got your sights set on. A Lean Six Sigma certification indicates to an employer that:
- You understand real world business processes
- You understand how and have experience improving those processes to benefit their organization
- You understand how to work with others to make successful improvements
- You’d be an asset to their organization
Lean Six Sigma Certification Isn’t Just Beneficial For Business
Surprisingly, the concepts are quite simple and can be applied to any aspect of your life, not just your profession or career. From life at home to problems you face in your every day life, Lean Six Sigma is a great solution since it’s based on finding the root cause of a problem and selecting solutions based on proof to effectively fix the problem.
The Lean Six Sigma DMAIC process:
- Define the problem
- Measure the current performance of the process used
- Analyze the information collected/measured to identify the root cause of the problem
- Improve the process by implementing the best solution(s)
- Control the new process to make sure the fix sticks!
For example, are you having issues having chores around your house completed properly? Say they’re getting done, but not 100% of the time and not the way they should be completed. Let’s say your roommate is assigned to do the dishes on weekends. They’re always done properly on Saturday, but on some Sundays, the dishes have some grease or food left on them and on other Sundays, the dishes aren’t done at all. Where do you begin? What’s the best way to solve this problem? Lean Six Sigma’s DMAIC process improvement methodology!
- Define the problem: The dishes don’t get done properly or at all on Sundays.
- Measure the current performance of the process used: Roommate soaks the dishes, then scrubs them and then leaves them to dry.
- Analyze the information collected/measured to identify the root cause of the problem: Sometimes by the end of the week, the dish soap runs out. (Wow! They do a ton of dishes!)
- Improve the process by implementing the best solution(s): Buy a larger container of dish soap each week, or buy more than one so that it doesn’t run out by the end of the week.
- Control the new process to make sure the fix sticks! Set reminders or create a grocery list that indicates how much more dish soap to buy on grocery shopping day (Wednesday of every week). If soap runs low, ask your roommate to let you know by Wednesday!
Obviously this is a very simplified case of Lean Six Sigma process improvement, but it really can be quite that simple. Give it a try!
Training Is Now More Accessible And Enjoyable Than Ever
Learning Lean Six Sigma has traditionally been a daunting task. Weeks of classroom training combined with extensive reading, studying and time away from work or other classes has been a large obstacle that you may have faced when seeking Lean Six Sigma Training in the past. Dry, boring training options have always been available, and you’re looking for a training that will keep your focus and attention so that you can get the most out of it and receive a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt or Black Belt certification that will translate into a practical skill.
With’s new Online Green Belt Training and Certification, becoming a Green Belt is easier and more fulfilling than ever.