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How Leaders Can Get Quick Results With Lean Six Sigma

How Leaders Can Get Quick Results With Lean Six Sigma -

More and more leaders are using Lean Six Sigma to achieve their goals. From Government to the Fortune 500 and every industry in between, they’re all realizing the potential of this practical problem-solving methodology.

Most of the time, they have an idea of how they’d like to approach their training—but just as often, they have no clear path to their desired outcomes. So they come to us for guidance to help ensure they’re on the right track.

They often come to us with these goals:

  • “We’re looking to change the culture of our organization so that our employees are more proactive in improving processes.”
  • “We have a current Process Improvement effort in place and it’s not working so we need to look elsewhere.”
  • “I need to get my team certified because my boss told me to look for training.”
  • “We want to improve processes, but we don’t know where to start.”

They need to find Lean Six Sigma training that engages employees so they can address long-standing issues and start improving processes right away.

Diagnosing the Issue

We start asking questions to better understand their situation:

  • Where is your organization in their Process Improvement Journey?
  • What is working and what isn’t working for you right now?
  • What are you most concerned about?
  • What would you consider a successful outcome?

More often than not, they have the exact same idea of success:

  • They want to fix painful processes to provide more value to their customers
  • They want to teach their team how to not only identify waste and problems in their processes—but to be more vocal about them
  • They’d like to get their team officially Lean Six Sigma certified
  • They need to generate a return-on-investment to share with stakeholders and leadership

If you’re at a stage in your journey where you’re simply trying to find the best training to fit your organization—chances are you’re looking at a foundational course such as Yellow Belt Training.

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Yellow Belt Training provides learners with an in-depth overview of how to address the most common forms of organizational waste that contributes to a negative customer experience.

A typical Yellow Belt course should equip them with the skills and tools to make meaningful impact—plus, it helps you identify engaged learners who want more than just their Yellow Belt Certification.

Getting Yellow Belt Certification helps ensure that your learners retain their knowledge, it verifies completion and puts people on the right track for applying what they’ve learned to ensure ROI.

A typical Yellow Belt course should equip them with the skills and tools to make meaningful impact—plus, it helps you identify engaged learners who want more than just their Yellow Belt Certification.

A Typical Learner’s Journey

Take Jimmy. We’ve changed his name for the purposes of our story and we’ll say he worked at “Company A.” Jimmy was part of a pilot training where he was provided with the opportunity to become Yellow Belt Certified.

During his Yellow Belt Training, he began considering his own data reconciliation process—done on his computer—that he knew had tremendous opportunity for improvement.

Through his training he learned he needed to measure exactly how long it took him to complete this daily reconciliation process over the course of a week. He kept uncovering little ways to improve the process with tweaks to his normal routine. With epiphany after epiphany—he ended the week with his process measured at 85 minutes on average from start to finish.

His training also taught him the importance of challenging the process by asking “why?”“Why is it taking so long to migrate this data to this other application?” Which led to, “Why am I spending so much time looking for the window I need?”

By continuing this process of asking why, he discovered tons of wasted motion caused by having to constantly switch between browser windows and having to locate where data needed to be transferred to.

He continued to dig further and came up with a solution.

His Quick Improvement

Jimmy grabbed the spare monitor—that no one used—hooked it up to his computer and tested whether having two screens would help him decrease his processing time.

Over the next week, he tested the solution and continued to time himself.

During Jimmy’s first day of testing, his processing time dropped from 85 minutes to 53 minutes— a 38% decrease—and over the course of the week, he was able to further reduce his process time to an average of 49 minutes—a 43% overall improvement (36 minutes saved per day)!

Want to see how our very own Client Experience Manager was able to improve her own process time by 60% with the same technique? Click here!

During Jimmy’s first day of testing, his processing time dropped from 85 minutes to 53 minutes— a 38% decrease—and over the course of the week, he was able to further reduce his process time to an average of 49 minutes—a 43% overall improvement (36 minutes saved per day)!

Success Attracts Attention

During this entire time, Jimmy’s colleagues, Don and Sara—who were not participating in the training—had been following along with his experiments. They were becoming increasingly curious and started peppering him with questions:

  • “How long did it take you today?”
  • “What else did you do to make it faster?”
  • “Are there any other wastes that I could learn about to improve my process?”

A double win! Don and Sara got to watch Jimmy improve his process, accelerate his performance and deliver work faster to his internal customers.

Talk about culture building.

What was the outcome for Jimmy?

Once he gained back 36 minutes of his day he used his newfound time to focus on more critical processes to support the needs of the business. In addition, he became the first of—hopefully—many other learners to improve their own processes and begin working on full-scale DMAIC Projects. He was inspired to take the next step and begin his Green Belt Training & Certification!

Do you need help putting together the most effective plan of action? Are you ready to kick-start your team’s Lean Six Sigma journey?

  1. Check out how we help organizations (large and small) make a difference using Lean Six Sigma
  2. Request a Trial / Demo
  3. Schedule a Call with us
  4. Register Now!

Happy problem solving!


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