Here are our top picks for Lean Six Sigma success stories and news from around the web for the week of September 21, 2015.
Lean Enterprise Reaps Tech Investments
Organizations are to reap the rewards of their technology investments but first, they need to shift their thinking. According to Barry O’Reilly, principal at ThoughtWorks Europe, organizations need to adopt organization-wide Lean enterprise principles. Through the elimination of waste, continual reevaluation of processes, and the better understand of the voice of the customer, rewards will be waiting!
3 Ways A Manufacturing Quality Tool Applies To The Insurance Industry
There is a high error rate in the insurance industry. With that being said, there is a lot of room for improvement. With the opportunity to improve being so high, Sudhir Achar, owner of Vantage Agora, believes that turning to Six Sigma will improve his company’s quality and operations. Achar also believes that a Six Sigma level of performance should be sought after in the entire insurance industry.
A Streamlined View On Process Optimisation
Jason McQuillen, Founder and Head of Managed Legal Services at Radiant Law, discusses process optimization and how it’s one of the most theorised business topics of the last century. Small process changes impact the bottom line to any business and McQuillen believes Lean Six Sigma is easy enough to implement and can provide quick wins.