In the launch of a talk-show style informational show by Kern County Administrative office leaders, Megan Person, Director of Countywide Communications looks create dialogue around the basics of the county’s financial situation. With topics ranging from budget status, pension costs and to the county’s efforts with Lean Six Sigma, addressing the $40 million dollar deficit created several years ago stood to take precedence within the conversation.
Since it’s journey into process improvement, the county’s general fund has been able to shrink it’s deficit to just $12 million over the past two years. By adopting a culture of innovation and training managers and line employees in Lean Six Sigma, Brown, the Chief Human Resources Officer for Kern County has shed four positions through attrition without an impact on the service level the public experiences.
With a turned focus on a growing Fire Department Deficit of over $12 million, it’s now more important than ever that the county and the Kern County Fire Fighters union negotiate changes to help address the financial problems they face together. They’ll continue to harness Lean Six Sigma to support their efforts.