No, you do not need to be (employed/working for a company) in order to register for any of our courses. Simply enter “none” in the company field to continue your check out process.
Please note that Black Belt Candidates are required to complete a live project. Projects must be business-related. We highly recommend a project be completed at your place of employment. If you are not employed, a business-related project can be completed by finding a sponsor organization. We highly recommend finding a nonprofit organization to sponsor your project. We also encourage finding volunteer or internship opportunities.
Project submissions are allotted up to 3-submissions for:
- Green Belt Project Screener
- Green Belt Project Storyboard
- Black Belt Project Selection Tool
- Black Belt Project Storyboard
- Black Belt Elective
Learners will have full email support from one of our friendly Master Black Belts regarding project work. If you need further assistance, 1-on-1 Project Coaching is also available as an add-on.