GoLeanSixSigma.com is proud to partner with UC San Diego as the university launches its Return to Learn Program to prepare for the Fall 2020 Semester.
Using a combination of university resources, innovative technology, and Lean Six Sigma, UC San Diego plans to regularly test all 65,000 people on campus to create a safe community in the wake of COVID-19.
“We want to be able to come back in the safest way possible and one of the key features of that is to be able to monitor for presence of the virus,” said Dr. Robert Schooley, a professor of medicine at UC San Diego and a lead on the university’s Return to Learn Program.
To prepare for the upcoming semester, the university has setup collection boxes around campus that contain a stock of individually wrapped swabs. People can use these swabs to self-adminster the test and then drop off the swab back at the collection box.
The swabs will be collected from the collection boxes every 2 to 3 hours, and results will be provided online within 24 hours through a QR code system.
“We want the results to come out in a time frame that’s useful. So, for example, if you had a student who tests positive, but you can’t run the test for 72 or 96 hours, that’s a lot of people that the student may be able to spread that virus to within their dormitory or within their classroom,” said Dr. David Pride, associate director of the clinical molecular microbiology laboratory at UC San Diego Health.
The university will continue to promote wellness best practices such as hand washing, wearing masks, and maintaining social distancing alongside their testing.
As a partner of UC San Diego, we couldn’t be more impressed with their agile and coordinated efforts to promote a safe learning environment for their students, faculty, and staff.
Read more at CNN.com