Here are our top picks for Lean Six Sigma news from around the web for the week of August 18, 2014.
City Improves Credit Rating
A new AA- credit rating has moved the city of Gainesville under a bright spotlight. With the new rating, the City has received great rates from lenders and higher City savings. The âcost of borrowing has diminished significantly,â according to the city manager. With the new rating, the city is considered elite and they continue to deter wasteful spending under Lean Six Sigma.
Packaging and Containers: Investing Essentials
Did you know, based on varying reports, the packaging and containers industry brings in over $1 trillion in global revenue? The food and beverage and household products markets account for the largest portion of business in this industry. With such markets and competition in these markets, the packaging and containers industry uses Lean manufacturing and Six Sigma to ensure operational excellence and above-average returns on equity.
Innovation Is Allowed
“PIT” is the acronym for “process improvement team” in Albert Lea, Minnesota under the direction of City Manager Chad Adams. In an effort to provide improved customer service to residents, PITs were created to enhance efficiency, reduce waste, and avoid duplication. With cross training the the city’s support, Albert Lea was able to measure success and prove the worth of Lean and Six Sigma processes.