Here are our top picks for Lean Six Sigma success stories and news from around the web for the week of October 24, 2016.
Xerox and SpencerMETRICS Connect for Productivity
Xerox and SpencerMETRICS Connect have teamed up to provide customers the ultimate power of on-demand analysis and automatic calculation of Operational Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). The Connect solution helps Xerox customers “identify root causes of bottlenecks and wasted time with real metrics, users report cost savings through reduced waste, overtime, and downtime.”
RHC-P Strengthens Continuous Process Improvement Capabilities Throughout the Pacific
Continuous process improvement capabilities and Lean Six Sigma support Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital’s (BAACH) mission by providing tools to identify areas of the hospital that need improvement and how to find solutions. Alongside the pressure the military healthcare system faces which includes providing quality healthcare with efficiency, Lean Six Sigma training bridges gaps and supports the communication required to address areas of concern.
Making Things Better – Lean Streets: Improving Road Maintenance in Washington State
Once upon a time, Washington State cut $50,000 checks to 165 small cities under 5,000 population to fund street resurfacing. This was not economical nor making sense. The Washington State Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) then conducted a PDCA study of how best to provide street preservation support. After gathering the data and establishing targets, “the $50,000 checks process was replaced by a pavement-management approach that resulted in funding the right street, with the right treatment, at the right time.” The 3 rights!