
Lean Six Sigma Templates

summary Summary Template Guides Infographics What is a Process Walk? A Process Walk (Gemba Walk) is an informational tour of the area where the work


For more information on Swimlane Maps, please register for Green Belt Training. To zoom: Hover your mouse over the right side of the map frame and


For more information on Swimlane Maps, please register for Green Belt Training. To zoom: Hover your mouse over the left side of the map frame



summary Summary Template Guides Infographic What is 5S? 5S is a five-step organization technique to create and maintain an intuitive workspace. The five steps are:


summary Summary Project Charter Process Walk 5 Whys What is the Yellow Belt Template Pack? The Yellow Belt Template Pack provides you with all the


summary Summary Template Guides Infographics What is a SIPOC Diagram? A SIPOC diagram is a high-level view of a process which stands for Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Customers. Every


summary Summary Template Infographics WHAT IS DATA COLLECTION PLAN? A Data Collection Plan is a well thought out approach to collecting both baseline data as

The Project Charter is a living document that outlines a process improvement project for both the team as well as leadership. Teams use the charter to clarify the process issue being addressed, the reason for addressing it and what “success” looks like for those working on it....

summary Summary Template Guides What is the Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ)? The Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) quantifies the negative outcomes due to waste,


summary Summary To zoom: Hover your mouse over the right side of the map frame and click the + symbol. To scroll: Click and drag the map. For more information


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