

Here is the delegation of PDUs for our Green Belt Training & Certification course: Technical: 28 Leadership: 4 Here is the delegation of PDUs for


It’s important to note that we are not affiliated with any other Lean Six Sigma training provider (such as ASQ and IASSC). However, learners who


Here are simple instructions on how to change/update the information on your Go-Getter Membership account: If you’re not already logged in, please log in (forgot


You can access the Go-Getter Forum here:


If you’ve registered for our free Yellow Belt Training in the past, you’ll have an existing “free membership” account. Please log in to your account


To access the Single Modules, please log in to your Learning Management System account (what’s this?) at: Username: (email address) Password: (enter your password)


You will receive access within 1 business day of subscribing to GLSS Membership. Your username is the email address you used during registration. If you


A user will be logged out of the system when there is 2 hours of inactivity.


Please view our Course Outlines & Comparison Guide for an overview of the courses that we offer.


We accept the following forms of payment: Credit/Debit Card Check (from organization only, no personal checks) Bank Transfer Wire Transfer PayPal We can not accept cash


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